About Us

The South African Family Foundation (SAFF) is a non-profit and non-membership based organisation that will be putting in place facilities in various communities in order to facilitate and conduct peace-making and development interventions for families within various communities in South Africa.

SAFF aim is to assist in mobilising all sectors of society, to assist in transforming these young lives by promoting unity and social cohesion.

SAFF offices have been set up on the understanding that well-functioning families would lead to improved social cohesion and are a catalyst to community and national development.

Our offices operate nationally within South African, however, the primary focus shall be in the rural based provinces targeting the remote, under-developed and under-serviced communities in the  rural villages and our townships.

SAFF has been set up to enhance positive values and build stronger families and communities in order to strengthen the social fabric one community at a time.

The following are South African Family Foundation (SAFF) SIX FOCAL AREAS AND PILLARS:

  1. Advocacy for the family Institution
  2. Reconciliation and counselling of family members
  3. Empowerment of families with family management skills
  4. Food security and livelihood for families
  5. Spirituality
  6. Mentoring of NPOs who share a similar vision

With the backing of the three key strategic priorities:

  1. The promotion of healthy family life,
  2. The promotion of family strengthening,
  3. The promotion of family preservation.

The then Minister of Social Development, Ms Bathabile Dlamini said: ”Research tells us that families are the building blocks of a strong, stable, and cohesive society. We realise that there is a need to have a particular focus on early intervention and family support services and we recognise that without strong and resilient families, our goal to build safer and non-violent communities will come to nothing.”

At SAFF we believe we can be of enormous support to our government as the responsibility of building well-functioning families is not the governments sole responsibility. We need to start addressing this so that we as a society can help mend and heal to move forward. We want to encourage and assist in helping all our citizens to realise that is also a societal responsibility. Through education all South Africans can feel the need to take responsibility in laying strong foundations for our families, in order to make a difference and create healthy families and better communities.

Our Core Principles:

  1. Shall be non-political, non-discriminatory, non-governmental organisation which affiliates to other umbrella organisations and networks that are in pursuit of programs and activities in line with that of its own;
  2. Shall be non-membership-based organization
  3. Shall be guided by broad democratic and community development principles;
  4. Shall endeavour to facilitate and promote the peaceful and meaningful family unities;
  5. Shall ensure that all activities are family and community centred and promote the philosophy of “Community Development from bottom up”

SAFF Values

South African Family Foundation (SAFF) promises to always conduct itself, and those within its employment, in adherence to the following VALUES:

  1. Honesty
  2. Transparency
  3. Accountability
  4. Integrity
  5. People centred
  6. Community Centred Development
  7. Respect
  8. Partnership and collaboration
  9. Search and promote best practices
  10. Innovation

Mentoring Or Support Opportunities

We have adopted under our Mentorship program NPOs like Lethukukhanya Health Institute, Ahanang Foundation and Ukwakha izakhono. These NPOs are in health and agriculture. We ensure they continue to be sustainable as they meet their intended goals.